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     Judgment is a funny thing... not funny ‘ha-ha’, but funny as in strange. Man insists on passing judgment on his fellow man based on externals; their physical appearance, their economic status, their education or lack there of, whether they are adorned with body art (tattoos) or not, how they speak, how they think, and so on. If someone doesn’t believe exactly like us then they can’t possibly be a Christian. We seem to think we have cornered the market on what’s right and what’s wrong based on our acquired knowledge thru sermons, bible studies and personal study. We can accept the fact that we are flawed but still manage to place labels on others. The incredible thing about God is that he does none of that. He hones in on a person’s heart. He knows the depth of their commitment. He created them and is willing to forgive them just like he did us. Who are we to pass judgment on anyone? That isn’t what we have been called to do. God alone judges, we simply trust God and obey his commands. We’re such a mess. When will we ever learn that the outward flesh tent that our spirits live in doesn’t tell the whole story? There is no sin too great that God cannot forgive, no obstacle too high that he cannot help us get past. Forgiveness awaits those who need to be forgiven, even those who judge others without really knowing them. “Do not judge others,

and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.” – Matthew 7:1-2 NLT


[ I write this because this happens to be one of my major flaws as a believer.

If you suffer from the same problem, hopefully this will cause you to think. ]

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