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What is fear?

“A feeling of disquiet or uneasy anticipation of the future...

a reason for dread or apprehension.”


                    Fear can be crippling. I figure just about everybody is afraid of something. Even the people that insist they aren't afraid of anything are saying that to hide their underlying fear of something. What am I afraid of? Hmmm, at first, I thought, "I’m afraid of displeasing the Lord." Hmmm, no, there had to be something deeper ... "fear of witnessing" ... there ya go. That must be it. But still I pondered. It was something deeper, something derived from personal experiences throughout my life that had put thin layers of fear around my heart. Let's see ... I am afraid of flying, but that can be avoided. I am afraid of being unable to move due to a disease or accident ... which plays into my anxiety issues (that's another story in and of itself). All these things were definitely offshoots, but what was the root of my fear. My mind was whirling like a minicomputer ... I've got it. I know what I’m afraid of. Why hadn't I thought of this before. Of course. My fear lies in being REJECTED. Tied to that is a fear of failure and also a fear of succeeding (which on the surface doesn't seem to make any sense but I think it’s real in my life). I fear rejection on many levels. I fear failure, which isn't so strange.I suppose a lot of people have a fear of failing. But I also have a fear of succeeding ...

I don't think I deserve to succeed for some reason.

                    So NOW I have to seek God and work towards removing the shackles that have bound me in so many areas of my life. It’s difficult to come face to face with your fears and even more difficult to remove them. But can WE really remove them. Perhaps through some sort of therapy, but that may take time. What about praying about it? Yes, that’s the key. I need to shift my focus off my circumstances and place it squarely on Jesus. I have a Heavenly Father who will no doubt show me the way to further spiritual freedom in spite of myself. It’s a fact that we tend to cause our own problems. Reflect on your own life and see what, if anything, you may be afraid of. Then go to the Father and see to be unshackled. Then praise the Lord. Regardless of how you feel you should always take the time to worship the Lord because he is forever worthy of our praise. Amen?

Psalm 150:1-2 ...

“Praise the LORD.  Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens.             

 Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. “



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